“The more passionate and argumentative I get the more followers and friends I make online.”

Friday, September 6, 2013

Facebook & Google Duke it Out!

"LET'S GET READY TO RUMBLE!! Good evening and welcome to tonight's boxing match which promises to be a classic in every sense of the word. In the left corner, weighing in with a reported annual income that topped $50 Billion,and an unmatched1.17 billion unique monthly searches is the world's most powerful search engine whose domain was registered on September 15, 1997 …GOOGLE.......... And in the right corner weighing in with an annual income of $5.1 Billion dollars, 164 million unique monthly visitors is the world's largest social network who rose to unprecedented levels of fame after launching in 2004 by a Harvard undergraduate student ……. FACEBOOK!! And tonight's prize? ETERNAL SOCIAL, ADVERTISING, &  ONLINE DOMINANCE! 
I want a good clean fight between you two. Nothing below the domain, good luck to you both."

Who ultimately wins with the KO? How many key performance indicators and metrics do we have  to analyze in order to determine the winner? Well, with me as the referee, the match is actually a draw. There is no denying that both Google & Facebook have been extremely influential and dominant in their respective sectors as well as in changing the way businesses and individuals interact and reach out to each other as a whole. However, when it comes to actually picking one and saying it is better than the other, I find it extremely hard to do so.
We can analyze monetary figures regarding their revenue and ad sales and compare them all day just like we can analyze which ones' respective social platforms receive more visitors and bring together more people on a monthly basis, but do those things truly measure or shall I say give Google more power over Facebook or Facebook the upper hand over Google? NO....I personally don't think so.
In my opinion, when analyzing who is bigger on a social scale as well as who is more effective when it comes to advertising, I think the key performance indicator is how each platform personalizes and customizes their content for their respective visitors. And when it all boils down to it...they both have a platform or a feature or a social site/platform they acquired/bought that does that. 
I've learned from working in Customer Service, people are open to product/service suggestions, respond in a warm positive way, and are more willing to actually buy a product/service that is being advertised to them when the medium/method/interaction/platform/channel that is used to reach out to them is  done in a customized/personal manner. People love to be acknowledged and people appreciate it and are more receptive when things that are being recommended to them are based off of their personal preferences, opinion, needs, likes, and wants. When working with my customers, I have more success when I implement customized probing questions for the consumer as opposed to broad, general questions. We all want to feel special and like we matter, right? After all, it is better to know that our company is actually paying attention to our individual interests instead of just classifying us into a certain group with other individuals based off of  certain demographics that we share.
Facebook reaches out to its' users and generates content and makes recommendations to them based off of the personal data that makes up their profiles, their friends, the online interactions they have with their friends, and their real-time location. 
When an individual searches for things on Google, Google then uses the keywords in the search to target the individuals with ads. If a person is looking up videos on Google owned Youtube, Google will use the types of videos that an individual searches for and watches to make other recommendations and suggestions on similar video content they think he or she may enjoy or benefit from as well.
In my opinion, it's not about the money/revenue or the numbers regarding which site has the most unique visitors or users on their sites....it's about which one is more efficient and effective in making every interaction regardless of how large or small more personable and customized based on the individual preferences of each and every particular consumer.


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